News Archive

Wed, 2014-05-14 12:40

The purpose of this guide is to provide the company grade leader a reference that will allow him to better understand his role as member of a US staff and interface with higher levels of command in terms of US doctrine, tactics, terminology and organization. It is not meant to be all encompassing, and users are encouraged to modify or adapt it to their own needs.
Click this CAC enabled link to get a copy of this document: Staff Officer's Guide Download

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Wed, 2014-05-14 12:36

Leader development is fundamental to our Army, particularly to an Army of preparation. We are currently out of balance given the emphasis we have had to place on warfighting. This strategy will help the Army re-balance the three crucial leader development components of training, education, and experience. This Army Leader Development Strategy (ALDS) provides vision and guidance on ends, ways, and means for developing leaders of all cohorts that exercise Mission Command while planning, preparing, executing, and assessing Unified Land Operations to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. Leaders must understand the strategic environment, be able to think critically and creatively, visualize solutions, and describe and communicate crucial information to achieve shared understanding, collaborate, and build teams.
Click here to watch a video about Army Leader Development Strategy 2013.

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