News Archive

Thu, 2017-05-18 08:41

Command and General Staff College students prepare for a theater rehearsal of concept drill at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. The drill is the final requirement for the Theater Sustainment Planners Program, which addresses how the Army sets the theater, sustains operations, and maintains freedom of movement. Read more about this program by clicking the photo above. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

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Wed, 2017-05-17 09:04

Gen. Robert B. Neller, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, spoke to students at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at the Lewis and Clark Center, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., on May 16, 2017. Neller discussed the current status of the Marine Corps, the Marine Corps Future-Contested operating environment, multi-domain capability and support to the Joint Force.

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Mon, 2017-05-15 09:39

Brig. Gen. (R) Huba Wass de Czege speaks during his induction into the Fort Leavenworth Hall of Fame Ceremony on May 11, 2017 and the Lewis and Clark Center. Listening to Brig. Gen. (R) Wass de Czege (from Left to Right) Mr. William Harding Carter, Great Grandson of Maj. Gen. (R) William Giles Harding Carter (also inducted on the day); Command Sergeant Major David O. Turnbull, Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center (CAC) and Fort Leavenworth, KS; and Lt. Gen. Michael D. Lundy, Commanding General, CAC and Fort Leavenwoth, KS, Commandant, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. Click the photo above to read more.

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Mon, 2017-05-15 09:22

Brig. Gen. Troy Galloway, deputy commanding general, Combined Arms Center - Army National Guard, and Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Brown, School for Command Preparation, place a wreath at the gravesite of the nation's 33rd president during a ceremony to commemorate the birthday of President Harry S. Truman May 8 at the Truman Library in Independence, Mo. Click the photo above to read more. (Photo by Prudence Siebert/Fort Leavenworth Lamp)

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Wed, 2017-05-10 09:54

The Center for Army Lessons Learned recently deployed two analysts to Yerevan, Armenia, at the request of the U.S. Office of Defense Cooperation for a follow-on engagement to assist the Armenian Armed Forces in its adoption of mission command. The Armenian General Headquarters formed a Mission Command (MC) Task Force and is conducting a pilot program to determine how MC principles should be integrated into the force. Lessons and best practices from the pilot units are collected each quarter and used to make adjustments to the program. As part of this visit, CALL analysts provided a briefing on the military decision-making process with a focus on Step 4, Course of Action Analysis. The next engagement is tentatively scheduled for June 2017 to assist with the development of a formal lessons learned program for the Armenian Armed Forces.

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Wed, 2017-05-10 09:05

General Mark Milley, the U.S. Army Chief of Staff, addressed students of the Battalion and Brigade Pre-Command Course at Fort Leavenworth Tuesday, May 10, and discussed the sacred duty of taking command of a military unit. The course was designed to foster a shared understanding of Army policies and programs, the expectations of strategic leadership for command teams at the tactical/operational levels, and the challenges associated with current and future resource environments.

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Wed, 2017-05-10 08:44

Dr. Melissa Wolfe, a research psychologist at the Center for Army Leadership (CAL), participated in the First Cycle of Leadership Conferences hosted by the General Military Academy and Defense University Center of the Spanish Army held in Zaragoza, Spain, April 28, 2017. Dr. Wolfe presented a briefing entitled, “Leadership in Small Units,” and discussed the U.S. Army’s deliberate, continuous, and progressive approach to developing and maintaining effective leaders in small units and beyond. The conference was titled “Leadership and Crisis Management and Conflict.” The conference was a forum for civil-military discussions that included international speakers and focused on issues of leadership. The conference was attended by approximately 300 cadets, faculty, and military members from the Spanish General Military Academy, whose mission is to train and educate officers in the Army, Civil Guard, and Tri-Service Corps members of the Spanish Armed Forces.

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Tue, 2017-05-09 08:39

Lieutenant General David E. Quantock, the U. S. Army Inspector General, was a guest lecturer at the Battalion Pre-Command Course at Fort Leavenworth Tuesday, May 9. The course was designed to foster a shared understanding of Army policies and programs, the expectations of strategic leadership for command teams at the tactical/operational levels, and the challenges associated with current and future resource environments.

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Mon, 2017-05-08 08:54

The 2017 Best Sapper Competition took 48 teams across more than 50 miles in 50 hours, April 25 through 27. Two-man teams trudged through severe weather to complete Sapper tasks as directed without knowing what was next on the schedule, making it more difficult to anticipate or conserve energy. 1st Lt. Luke Groom and Staff Sgt. Carlos Jimenez, representing the 307th Brigade Engineer Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, emerged victorious in the grueling competition April 27. Click the photo above to read more.

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Fri, 2017-05-05 08:37

Colonel Charles R. Rambo, Chief, Operations Group Alpha, Mission Command Training Program welcomes the Joint Task Force Civil Support training audience and introduces his team of Observer, Coach, and Trainers during the start of exercise Vibrant Response 2017, at Camp Atterbury, Ind., on April 24, 2017. Vibrant Response 2017 is a training exercise designed to enhance coordination and communication at the operational and tactical levels between Department of Defense and Civilian Incident Commands during Defense Support of Civil Authorities in a major disaster.

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