News Archive

Tue, 2015-07-07 14:24

The U.S. Army announced the establishment of the Army University on July 7th, 2015.  Army University is modeled after several successful U.S. state university systems that have fostered greater instructional efficiency and research capability by incorporating state administered teaching institutions under a single centralized system of management and resourcing. Similarly, Army University now is charged with directly integrating 70 separate U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) internal school programs under one university system while also synchronizing instruction with more than 100 additional TRADOC institutions.

Over the next two years, the Army University will develop new processes to facilitate student and faculty collaboration and exchanges with civilian universities, establish universal transcripts, centralize and improve faculty development programs, and implement common core curriculum across the spectrum of Army education.

The creation of Army University represents a revitalization of the Army's professional military education system and is the first major step in transforming the Army into the innovative force needed to build the Army of 2025 and beyond.

"The Army University is the next logical step in the continued professionalization of the Army that began with the creation of the All-Volunteer Force in 1973," said Gen. Raymond Odierno, the Army chief of staff.  "This effort organizes all of TRADOC's existing educational programs into a single university structure to promote greater academic rigor, to improve internal integration, and to enhance external collaboration with many of the Nation's best universities and colleges."

Army University will provide the Force with a single point of contact for all Army education matters to address the educational needs of the Army while providing individual Soldiers and Civilians the opportunity to accomplish their own respective academic goals.  In addition, Army University will work closely with the U.S. Army War College at Carlisle, Pa.; the Warrant Officer Candidate School at Fort Rucker, Ala.; the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; and the U.S. Army Centers of Excellence to leverage capabilities for training and research.

"We must continue to educate and develop Soldiers and Civilians to grow the intellectual capacity to understand the complex contemporary security environment to better lead Army, Joint, interagency and multinational task forces and teams," said the Honorable John McHugh, Secretary of the Army.  "Therefore, we will reinvest and transform our institutional educational programs for our Soldiers, commissioned officers, warrant officers, and noncommissioned officers in order to prepare for the complex future security environment."

Army University will provide true value to the Force, added Gen. David G. Perkins, commanding general, Training and Doctrine Command.

"Soldiers are the Army's 'smart' weapon systems," explained Perkins. "The Army University is critical to training our civilian and military leaders to 'win in a complex world.' Providing this unified, professional and quality educational structure enables collaboration among our current educational institutions and facilitates innovation across our Army and support to the Joint Force."

Additionally, this effort provides a cost savings to the Army in tuition assistance and unemployment expenses, which improves a Soldier's ability to transition into quality employment opportunities after their service.

Points of Contact:

  • CAC PAO, (913) 684-2019
  • TRADOC PAO, (757) 501-5886
  • OCPA Plans, (703) 614-2468

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Wed, 2015-06-10 13:26

Brig. Gen. Mark J. O'Neil (left), Pfc. Britteny Ganiron and Command Sgt. Maj. David O. Turnbull cut a cake to celebrate the Army's 240th birthday. Earlier in the day, teams of Soldiers and civilians did sit-ups, pushups and other physical activities in a competition on the USD 207 track. O’Neil is the deputy commanding general of the Combined Arms Center – Training. Ganiron received the cake-cutting honor for being the youngest Soldier at Fort Leavenworth. Turnbull is the command sergeant major for the Combined Arms Center.

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Wed, 2015-05-27 08:14

A 1st Armor Division Soldier tracks a Fort Bliss, Texas, exercise that combined live, virtual and constructive training. By linking these training enablers, commanders create tough, realistic exercises. Click here to read a Stand To that explains the benefits of the Integrated Training Environment.

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Fri, 2015-05-22 11:29

The Combined Arms Center’s Command Sergeant Major, Cmd. Sgt. Maj. David O. Turnbull (left) and Col. Geoffrey Catlett, Director of the Army SHARP Academy, present a graduation certificate to Mr. Santiago L. Orta, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator at Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii. Orta is one of 32 graduates of the SHARP Academy’s Baseline Certification Course which provides the Army with trained Sexual Assault Response Coordinators and Victim Advocates. Cmd. Sgt. Maj. Turnbull praised the efforts of the graduates who are on the front line of the Army’s efforts to combat and eliminate sexual harassment and sexual assault from the Army and issued the graduates with a challenge. “We need to stay at it every day,” Turnbull said. “History has shown that the Army can drive social change and I know that we can lead change in this effort too because we have a great group of people like you who will make the difference.” (US Army Photo by Scott Gibson)

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Wed, 2015-05-20 13:11

Members of the Greater Kansas City Federal Executive Board receive a briefing tour from Dr. William Wallace, Deputy Director of the Army Management Staff College, May 20. The Greater Kansas City Federal Executive Board is an organization focused on coordination and collaboration of federal agencies located throughout the Kansas City region. The GKCFEB represents 146 federal agencies from the region and the executive board consists of regional directors and their primary staff.

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Mon, 2015-05-18 10:42

Lt. Gen. Robert B. Brown, the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth, discusses the roles and responsibilities of CAC with Gen. Kiyofumi Iwata, Chief of Staff, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, during an overview brief May 18th at the CAC Headquarters. Gen. Iwata was joined by Major General Dobran Bozic, Defense Representative, Mission of Slovenia to the United Nations and Brig. Gen. Mohammad Shamsuzzaman, Defense Military Naval and Air Attaché, Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for the briefing. Brig. Gen. General Shamsuzzaman represented Gen. Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan, Chief of Army Staff, Bangladesh Army during the IHOF ceremony. Gen. Iwata, Maj. Gen. Bozic, and Gen. Bhuiyan were inducted into the Command and General Staff College International Hall of Fame. (US Army Photo by Scott Gibson)

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Wed, 2015-05-13 07:32

COL Monty Willoughby, chief of staff for the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center, provides an overview brief to the members of the Defense Health Board May 12 in the Arnold Conference Room of the Lewis and Clark Center at Fort Leavenworth. Click here to read the story.

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Thu, 2015-05-07 11:30

The Army Leadership Exchange (ALx) held an Army Leadership Exchange Panel, May 6. The Panel continued the ongoing professional discussion on 'Leadership Through a Changing Environment,' moving outside the military perspective and delving into "Authentic Leadership." The speakers included Mr. Bob Chapman (center), Chairman and CEO of Barry-Wehmiller Companies, and Mr. Simon Sinek (right), Author of 'Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't' and RAND Corporation adjunct staff member advising on matters of military innovation and planning. Both gentlemen are noted experts in authentic leadership both in practice and in theory. The Panel was led by Col. Christopher Croft (left), director of the Center for Army Leadership (CAL), the Panel took place in Eisenhower Auditorium, Fort Leavenworth. (photo by Dan Neal)

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Wed, 2015-05-06 08:29

James Clary III, Capabilities Developer and Military Construction Lead for the Mission Command Training Support Division of the National Simulation Center, receives the Distinguished Military Support Award from Pat Brown-Dixon, Regional Administrator for the Small Business Administration and Jason Klumb, Regional Administrator for the General Services Administration and Chairperson for the Kansas City Federal Executive Board, May 5, at the Kansas City Public Employees Recognition Day.

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Fri, 2015-05-01 14:33

CAC Chief of Staff Col. Monty Willoughby gives an overview brief to the 80 members of the Washington Corps of Foreign Military Attachés Friday as part of the Army’s Security Cooperation Plan at the Arnold Conference room of the Lewis and Clark Center. The visit highlighted the mission of the Combined Arms Center and focused on leader development and education within both the Intermediate Level Education (ILE) Course and the School for Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). Foreign Military Attaché orientation trips by the Army G2 and are meant to showcase U.S. Army personnel, organizations, installations and capabilities to influence attaché reporting, reassure allies, deter potential adversaries and gain reciprocal access for U.S. attachés and spouses stationed abroad.

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