News From the Front

NFTF - Advising at the Ministerial Level in Afghanistan: Insights from Major General Willard M. Burleson III

CALL's Strategic Analysis Branch conducted an interview on 9 July 2018, with MG Burleson, 7th Infantry Division Commander, to collect insights into his activities while he was serving as the Senior Advisor to the Ministry of Defense, U.S. Forces-Afghanistan, OPERATION FREEDOM’S SENTINEL (Resolute Support), May 2016 – June 2017.

NFTF - Building Partnership Capacity through Train, Advise, and Assist - Insights from BG Jackson, Commander, 1SFAB

The 1SFAB supported RSM and OFS with the Army’s first unit dedicated to training, advising, assisting, accompanying and enabling (A3E) conventional foreign security force partners from February to November 2018. The 1SFAB had a positive impact on NATO and U.S. strategic initiatives in Afghanistan by advising Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) at tactical levels of command that had not been consistently and directly advised since 2015.

NFTF - Class VIII Blood Supply Support to Current Operations for Medical Planners

This article discusses the challenges of providing class VIII blood and blood products to austere theaters of operation. In many of the austere locations the Army operates in, countries do not meet the medical standard that the U.S. requires. Therefore, perishable Class VIII items must be supplied and sustained in theater from the U.S. or U.S. approved stores such as the Armed Services Blood Bank Center - Europe (ASBBC-E).

NFTF - Commander’s Perspective CJFLCC-OIR Operations

The Center for Army Lessons Learned conducted a key leader interview (KLI) with MG Robert "Pat" White, Commanding General of the 1st Armored Division (1AD). MG White assumed responsibility of Combined Joint Force Land Component Command-Operation Inherent Resolve (CJFLCC-OIR) on 12 July 2017. Building off of the momentum and gains of its predecessors the 82nd Airborne Division, and the 1st Infantry Division - CJFLCC-OIR worked by, with, and through its partner forces to defeat the ISIS Core in Iraq.

NFTF - Commander’s Perspective: CJFLCC Operations in Iraq Insights from MG Joseph M. Martin Commanding General

This News From the Front paper summarizes the key insights from an end of tour interview with MG Joseph Martin, Commanding General (CG), 1st Infantry Division and Combined Joint Force Land Component Command - Operation Inherent Resolve (CJFLCC?OIR). The interview, conducted at the conclusion of his tour, in Iraq on July 12, 2017, contained focus areas that capture best practices and lessons learned during his tenure as the CG.

NFTF - Commanders Guide for Driving Change: The Learning Organization Framework

Is your unit consistently focused one or two echelons below, with fast approaching training events, missions, and 50 meter targets, without much consideration for sharing observations and lessons upon completion of events? If so, you are not alone -- this is a common pitfall of our busy profession; however, it is a resolvable issue given a relevant Learning Organization Framework. Highly developed learning organizations place emphasis on long-term problem solving, consistently modifying behavior, and sharing observations and lessons across the Army enterprise.

NFTF - Conference of American Armies - Countering Threat Networks

The Conference of American Armies (CAA) is a military organization made up and led by armies from the American continents with the authorization of their respective countries. The CAA conducts a two-year cycle of specialized conferences and exercises hosted by different member armies. During this XXXIII Cycle of the CAA, 2018-2019, the U.S. Army conducted the specialized conference on Military Support to Countering Threat Networks (CTN) at San Antonio, TX, from 4-8 February 2019.

NFTF - Fighting with Afghan Fists: Insights from CSM Todd Sims

This News from the Front, a Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) publication, highlights Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Todd Sims’ insights and observations during his deployment in support of Operation FREEDOM’S SENTINEL and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-led RESOLUTE SUPPORT mission. The interview and unit information is provided solely by the CSM of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan on 2 December 2018.


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