MCCOE News Archive

Fri, 2018-06-29 16:41

Lt. Gen. Michael D. Lundy presents the Assumption of Responsibility Charter to the new director of the Mission Command Center of Excellence, Maj. Gen. Douglas C. Crissman, June 29 at the Frontier Conference Center on Fort Leavenworth. Maj. Gen. Crissman replaces Maj. Gen. James J. Mingus who will move to his next assignment as the Commander of the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. (U.S. Army Photo by Tisha Swart-Entwistle)

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Fri, 2018-03-02 11:03

General (r) Frank Grass spoke to Knowledge Management Qualification Course 18-03, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018, about “Knowledge Management - Senior Leader considerations getting the right information, to the right people, in the right format, at the right time, in order to arrive at the right decision.” Gen. Grass (r) served as the 27th Chief, National Guard Bureau and as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. KMQC 18-03 had 19 students from the ranks of sergeant first class through lieutenant colonel and five warrant officers from Active, Reserve and National Guard, along with one Department of the Army civilian.

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Thu, 2018-02-15 12:15

Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) analysts recently traveled to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in support of the U.S. Military Training Mission effort to assist the Saudi Armed Forces (SAF) in developing a lessons learned program. The CALL team provided briefings and facilitated discussions with a selected group of 33 SAF officers on the elements of a lessons learned program and how it can be used to improve operations, training, and education across their force.

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Tue, 2018-01-16 09:29

CALL conducted a Lessons Learned Training Contact Team engagement at the Jordanian Center for Strategic Studies and Lessons Learned (JCSSLL) in Jordan, 7-9 January 2018. The team met with the new JCSSLL director, MG Mukhlid al-Zyood, and principal staff officers to provide briefings on CALL and the Army Lessons Learned Program, facilitate discussions on administering a LL program, and assist with collection planning for the Eager Lion exercise being held in April. This event was part of a long-standing partnership between the two organizations that began in 2010 and seeks to increase cooperation and interoperability between the JAF and the U.S. Army.

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Wed, 2017-11-29 08:44

As part of the Army’s ongoing doctrine support to the Columbian Army (through ARSOUTH), Jim Benn (left), Deputy Director of the Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD), and Carlos Soto (second from right), Army Terminologist and Symbologist (CADD), met November 4-18 with 90 Colombian officers and non-commissioned officers who will be the primary authors of the 57 Field Manuals the Columbian Army will produce. On the final day of the exchange, in recognition of their work, GEN Alberto Mejia, Chief of Staff of the Colombian Army (second from left), and Colonel Jaime Alonzo (right), Director, Columbian Army Center of Doctrine and Education, presented Mr. Benn and Mr. Soto with plaques designating them as honorary members of the Army Staff. Additionally, copies of their portraits will be placed permanently in the HQ of the Colombian Center for Education and Doctrine. Finally, GEN Mejia announced the creation of an annual award for their best doctrine writer. The award is called the Benn and Soto award for excellence in doctrine development.

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Mon, 2017-11-27 14:28

November 21, Mr. Mike Scully, Doctrine Writer, Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD), provided members of the Mission Command Battle Lab (MCBL), Capability Development Integration Directorate (CDID) with an overview of the Army’s new FM 3-0, Operations. He explained some of the key points of the analysis that went into the development of the new doctrine manual.

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Tue, 2017-11-21 11:51

As Maj. Gen. Courtney Carr (l), the Adjutant General for the state of Indiana looks on, Philippine Army MAJ Ronnie Sta. Catalina, a student in the U.S. Information Operations Qualification Course, presents a gift from the Philippine Army to IOQC Director, LTC Bradley Loudon in appreciation for his attendance at the course. MG Carr was the Guest Speaker for the IOQC course graduation on 17 Nov.

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Wed, 2017-10-04 09:31

The Army Leader Exchange (ALx) hosted a lecture by Command Sgt. Maj. (R) Marvin L. Hill, on Oct. 3, 2017 at the Lewis and Clark Center, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center (CAC), Fort Leavenworth, KS. Command Sgt. Maj. (R) Hill spoke about the NCO and Officer relationships in the 21st Century. (U.S. Army photo, Dan Neal)

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Mon, 2017-09-25 14:47

Lt. Gen. Michael Lundy, Commanding General of the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center, spoke to students in the current Information Operations Proponent Functional Area 30 Qualification Course. The 12-week course employs guest speakers and experts from academia, industry, government, military, and current Information Operations Officers. The students learn how to integrate and synchronize information related capabilities (IRCs), lead IO Working Groups, and generate MDMP related products in order to serve as IO officers at Brigade and higher echelons. Students participate in an end of course exercise to assess the student's ability to plan, execute, assess, and adapt tactics, techniques, and procedures throughout unified land operations.

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Fri, 2017-09-22 08:22

Larry Hollars (left), Center for Army Lessons Learned Facilitation Division chief, briefs Maj. Gen. Hertz Pires do Nascimento (center), Chief of the Brazilian Army Doctrine Center, Sept. 19, 2017. The Brazilian delegation visited CALL for an overview briefing and a discussion of current lessons learned methodologies and processes. Hertz and his team are gathering information and concepts that have been useful to the Combined Arms Center in developing doctrine in support of the Brazilian Army’s modernization transformation. (Photo by Christine Weis)

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