NFTF - The Science of Control: Synchronizing Current Operations Cells

Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The current operations (CUOPS) cell is essential to translating plans to orders and eventually to the execution of combat operations. The CUOPS integrating cell is critical in synchronizing operations, sustaining the common operational picture and mitigating risk to the mission. In the operations process, the CUOPS cell is the commander's most prominent tool to understand, describe, visualize, and direct operations. This article discusses the processes and techniques that optimize CUOPS cells’ control over forces. In addition to command and control systems, this article intertwines techniques to manage CUOPS personnel and enhance the rapid decision-making and synchronization process. The operations process of planning, preparing, executing, and assessing forms the outline of this article. The intent is to bridge doctrinal understanding with the practical application of managing a CUOPS cell.
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