Maintaining an Armored Division’s Momentum through a Wet Gap Crossing

Thursday, September 24, 2020
A contested wet gap crossing (WGX) is arguably the most difficult mission for an armored division. Not only is it resource intensive, but the WGX poses significant risk to operational tempo and logistical lines that extend across lines of communication. In order to conduct a successful and synchronized WGX, an armored division must assign proper command and control, conduct deliberate WGX planning nested with the military decision-making process (MDMP), task organize critical enablers in order to project their capabilities, and practice aggressive traffic control through multiple crossing sites. These actions provide the maneuver commander with flexibility and options as the battle unfolds and they allow an armored division to maintain a steady tempo, quickly maneuver through vulnerable crossing sites, and exploit success on the far side of the WGX. This article outlines some of the 1st Cavalry Division's lessons from planning and execution during Defender Europe 20 and a Warfighter exercise.
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