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U.S. Army Information Operations Proponent

DSN Prefix: 552 (plus last 4 digits of phone number)
Office Phone NumberDSN
Chief, Leader Development, Education & Training(913) 684-9466 552-9466
Chief, Personnel and Organization(913) 684-2964 552-2964
Chief, Concepts, Doctrine & Integration(913) 684-9451 552-9451
Registrar, IO Qualification Course(913) 684-9441552-9441
Operations Officer (913) 684-8680 552-8680

Military Deception Proponent

DSN Prefix: 552 (plus last 4 digits of phone number)
Office Phone NumberDSN
Chief, MILDEC(913) 684-9451 552-9451
Military Analyst(913) 684-9447 552-9447

Operations Security Proponent

DSN Prefix: 552 (plus last 4 digits of phone number)
Office Phone NumberDSN
Chief, Operations Security Support Element(913) 684-9427 552-9427
OSE Operations(913) 684-9459 552-9459