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U.S. Army Information Operations Proponent (USAIOP)



On behalf of the CAC Commander, Information Operations Proponent Office executes Total Army Force Modernization responsibilities across the DOTMLPF-P to meet the Army's requirement for the successful planning, integration, execution and assessment of Information Operations (IO).

Critical Tasks

  • Develop and integrate IO DOTMLPF-P requirements and solutions for the Army (Total Force) and ISO Joint Requirements
  • Support the JCIDS process (CBA, DOTMLPF-P Assessments, Experiments)
  • Manage/Develop the IO Career Force
  • Validate IO LDE&T courseware
  • Develop/revise IO, MILDEC, OPSEC, and MC Doctrine
  • Develop/Refine IO force composition (FDU, JDA/TOE/TDA, SRC 53)
  • Conduct eight (8) stages of Life Cycle Management IAW DA Pam 600-3 for FA30 Career Field.
  • Inform and educate relevant audiences on Army IO programs, opportunities, and initiatives.
  • Support the Total Army w/IO Education and Training (IO into PME Cohorts)
  • Develop, Execute and Manage the Functional Area 30, IO Qualification Course (Resident and Non-Resident).
  • Execute training development for Total Army IO requirements (ADDIE)
  • Support Total Army Analysis and Force Restructure
  • Refine/Sustain broadening opportunities (ACS and TWI opportunities)
  • Support CAC and MC CoE engagement campaigns
  • Test new concepts at Experiments and Exercises