Content has been removed to align with the President’s executive orders and DoD priorities.

Personnel Recovery Proponent Office (PRPO)



To facilitate the preparation of Army commanders and their staffs, units, and individuals to effectively plan and prepare for personnel recovery (PR), execute PR prior to detention or capture, and assess effectiveness throughout.


The Personnel Recovery Proponent Office executes day to day PR activities supporting the CG, CAC in the execution of AR 5-22 directed Army Force Modernization Proponent and with AR 525-28 Personnel Recovery responsibilities regarding Army PR Doctrine, Organization, Training, Leader Development & Education, Material, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF) domains, as well as, the synchronization, integration, and coordination all PR issues addressing modularity and future requirements.

The PRPO develops and maintains several PR doctrine and training products for commanders and staffs, units, and individuals. These products can be found on the Army Training Network(ATN).