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IO Opportunities

The Information Operations (IO) Officer (FA 30) provides the Army with a core of professionally developed information environment (IE) specialists to support the nation’s operational environment dominance strategy. The IO officer understands the complexity of the IE, assess and evaluates the Army’s best use of the IE, and synchronizes information related capabilities (IRCs) for commanders to shape and protect the Army’s use of the information environment. The IO officer synchronizes IRCs to affect information warfare, information protection, communications alignment and engagement. The IO officer brings specialized training and development in OPSEC and MILDEC. The IO officer is found at Brigade and higher level commands and in specialized IO units.


Advanced Civil Schooling (ACS)

IO Officers are eligible to pursue an IO related master’s degree in a number of universities to include the Naval Postgraduate School, Harvard, Johns Hopkins and Princeton. Selection is based on job performance, qualification course performance, and GRE. Graduates incur an active duty service obligation (ADSO) upon completion.


There are two command opportunities for FA 30 officers: Commander, 1st Battalion, 1st Information Operations Command at the rank of lieutenant colonel, and Commander, 1st Information Operations Command at the rank of colonel. This is not a DA selected command position. Eligible officers will be notified by email of packet instructions.

Nominative Assignments

IO officers have opportunities to serve in nominative assignments including: OSD, Army Staff, joint assignments, SMUs and NATO.

Joint Assignments

IO officers have opportunities to serve in Joint duty assignment billets in the grade of MAJ and above. These positions are located at Army Service Component Headquarters, interagency organizations, joint or multi-national commands or activities involved in the education, planning, employment, or support of joint and multinational forces.

Interested in becoming an IO Officer

Captains and Majors interested in becoming an FA 30 should review the latest Voluntary Transfer Incentive Program (VTIP) MILPER message to determine eligibility. VTIP allows active duty officers to transfer into a branch or functional area within the Army's manning requirements. Multiple panels are held each year and approval depends on strength and overall personnel requirements. Click here for additional information