Commander, Combined Arms Center
Pursuant to Army Regulation 5-22, the Commander, CAC, is the Force Modernization Proponent (FMP) for Army operations security (OPSEC).
Director, U.S. Army Information Operations Proponent
Per CAC G-3 memorandum dated 15 January 2015, the Director, U.S. Army Information Operations Proponent (USAIOP), is the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for the OPSEC proponent.
Office of Primary Responsibility
The USAIOP has primary duties and responsibilities relative to Army OPSEC doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy (DOTMLPF-P).
Proponent Duties
The Army OPSEC FMP determines DOTMLPF-P requirements and exercises oversight of resources made available to deliver necessary and approved DOTMLPF-P products, services, and support to the Army.
Army Techniques Publication 3-13.3, Army Operations Security for Division and Below