Content has been removed to align with the President’s executive orders and DoD priorities.

Assignment Oriented Training

All Information Operations Officers should continue to seek assignment oriented training to maintain expertise in all information related capabilities. Assignment oriented training includes, but is not limited to the following courses:

Military Deception Planners' Course (MDPC)

The MDPC consists of 40-hours formal classroom instruction and a hands-on practical exercise. The training follows the five-phase military deception planning cycle (Capability Development, Assessment Phase, Planning Phase, Execution Phase, and Termination Phase) described in the Department of the Army Military Deception Planners Guide and the Air, Land, Sea Application Center’s Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Military Deception. The instruction covers MILDEC policy, doctrine, terminology, fundamentals, and principles; and time proven tactics, techniques and procedures. Students receive eight hours of formal lecture, with the remaining 32 hours devoted to walking each participant through the entire deception cycle following a realistic training scenario. Each day, students view a video of a different historical case study to reinforce learning objectives. All students receive a bound student guide, key consideration book, and a copy of the Department of the Army Military Deception Planners’ Guide or the Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Military Deception.

Joint Military Deception Training Course, JFSC

Designed to educate and train selected military students between the grades of E-6 to E-9 and O-3 and O-6, Department of Defense (DoD) civilian equivalents, and designated contractors assigned to plan, execute or support Joint MILDEC. Course graduates will demonstrate basic-level proficiency in planning, conducting, and assessing Joint MILDEC and Deception in Support of Operations security (DISO), across the range of military operations, in accordance with applicable doctrine, policy and authorities.


Information Operations Integration Course - Cyberspace Operations (IIC-CO)

To prepare students to integrate, synchronize, and coordinate the employment of Cyberspace Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Cyberspace Attack, Cyberspace Operational Preparation of the Environment; and Cyberspace Defense Activities into cyberspace concepts of support for military operations. COURSE SCOPE: Students are provided a challenging 80-hour curriculum from understanding the complexity of Cyberspace Operations; to recognizing key concepts at the Executive, DoD, Joint, and Army levels; to planning for a notional mission through application of the Adaptive Planning and Execution System and the Military Decision Making Process. Focuses on examining Intelligence Support to Cyberspace Operations Planning; identifying Cyberspace Operations authorities, organizational relationships, legal considerations, and capabilities; recognizing the basic policies and processes necessary to gain approvals for Offensive Cyberspace Operations, and Defensive Cyberspace Operations; evaluating how Cyberspace Attack, Cyberspace Defense, Cyberspace Operational Preparation of the Environment, and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance relate to each other, other information related capabilities, and friendly and adversary operations in cyberspace. The training is conducted at the TOP SECRET/SCI level.

Special Technical Operations Planners Course (STOPC), Fort Sill, Oklahoma 

Emphasis on U.S. Army and Joint doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) to prepare Officers, Warrant Officers, NCOs, Civilians and select Contractors to participate in STO coordination, planning and execution at the tactical and operational levels in a variety of U.S. Army and Joint organizations.

Integrated Joint Special Technical Operations Planners' Course

No course info at this time

Joint Information Planners Course (JIPC), JFSC

The JIPC replaces the Joint Information Operations Planners' Course, and adds education and training in military deception and operations security. The course mission is to establish a common level of understanding for IO planners and IO capability specialists who will serve in joint operational-level IO billets. This course is a prerequisite for personnel assigned to the Joint IO career force.

HQDA Operations Security (OPSEC) Program Manager/Officer Course

Prepare appointed OPSEC program managers to manage an OPSEC program and advise the commander on all OPSEC matters. Graduates will have the ability to identify vulnerabilities and select appropriate OPSEC measures to protect identified critical information. These acquired skills will assist the OPSEC Officer with planning and program development for overall program success and mission effectiveness. Individuals successfully completing the HQDA OPSEC Officer Course or IOSS equivalent will be qualified to provide Level I OPSEC training.

Defense Operations Security (OPSEC) Planners Course, JFSC/JOSE

The Defense Operations Security Planners Course is a one week course designed to educate and train select military students between the grade of E-6 to E-9 and O-3 through O-6, Department of Defense (DoD) civilian equivalents, and designated contractors assigned as Operations Security (OPSEC) planners, J5/Joint Planning Group (JPG) planners, and OPSEC Program Managers. Course graduates will be able to effectively plan, integrate, conduct, and assess Joint OPSEC at the joint/operational level, across the range of military operations, in accordance with applicable doctrine, policy and authorities, as well as to enhance corporate knowledge of vulnerabilities associated with operations and plans for the joint warfighter.

Jt Cmd, Control, Communications, Computers & Intel/Cyber Staff and Ops Course (JC4ICSOC)

Three-week operational level resident course sponsored by the Joint Staff J6. The mission of the JC4ICSOC is to educate and train joint C4I decision makers in C4I and cyberspace concepts in the joint/ interagency/multinational environments, the DoD's organization and how it supports the C4I process, and the management and operation of current joint C4I systems. Students are required to demonstrate their learning by means of successfully completing an academic paper, classroom paper presentation, and an end of course examination.

Electronic Warfare Integration Course (EWIC)

This 40-hour course provides students the ability and knowledge to integrate, synchronize and coordinate EW planning and execution with full spectrum Information Operations (IO). Students are introduced to EW concepts, fundamentals, doctrine and capabilities within the Department of Defense (DOD) to include an introduction to the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) and effects on radio and radars within the EMS arena, Electronic Warfare systems and capabilities, Electromagnetic Spectrum management, EW emerging technologies and a survey of electronic systems populating the Operational Environment. The training includes an overview of current and emerging DoD EW Doctrine, Army EW organization, EW platforms and missions, intelligence support to EW and duties and responsibilities of an Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO) operating within a Theater level Electronic Warfare Coordination Cell (EWCC).

OPSEC Analysis and Program Management Course OPSE-2500

Course Overview: Four day course focusing on the basic skills and knowledge needed to conduct an OPSEC risk analysis (apply the five steps) and to implement an OPSEC program. The student is afforded the opportunity to apply OPSEC tools and lessons through a variety of practical exercises and case studies. Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Apply the systems analysis methodology to their own organizations and activities;
  • Identify sources of information and support materials for OPSEC practitioners;
  • Conduct an OPSEC analysis of a program, activity or operation;
  • Market an OPSEC program;
  • Write an organizational OPSEC policy; and,
  • Implement and manage an OPSEC program.

Target Audience: OPSEC program manager; OPSEC coordinator; and, OPSEC working group member.
Prerequisites: None. However, (OPSE-1301) OPSEC Fundamentals course is recommended. You can take the OPSEC Fundamentals CBT directly on the IOSS website. Log into your account and click on the training tab, click on OPSEC Fundamentals options and scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the launch button.
Note: Registration for this course is being handled by the Interagency OPSEC Support Staff (IOSS). Please call the IOSS Registrar at 443-479-4710, Customer Support at 443-479-4677, ext 2 or send a message to To request training or products, access the website at


Red Team Leader, UFMCS Fort Leavenworth

The course emphasizes critical thinking skills, fostering cultural empathy, self-awareness and reflection, groupthink mitigation strategies, and Red Team methodologies. Planning processes include the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP), the Joint Operations Planning Process (JOPP), and Army Design Methodology (ADM). Students apply these methods and processes to a broad range of case and country studies. The program includes interagency classes and classified planning exercises with Joint and Interagency partners.