Force Modernization Proponent Center (FMPC)
Mission: On behalf of the Commanding General, U.S. Combined Arms Center, the Force Modernization Proponent Center (FMPC) is the executive agent for Total Army Force Modernization responsibilities, in accordance with AR 5-22, across DOTMLPF-P domains to meet Army requirements in Unified Land Operations for: Information Operations, Deception, Operations Security, and Personnel Recovery.
Doctrine References:
ADP 3-13, Information ATP 3-13.1, The Conduct of Information Operations ATP 3-13.3, Army Operations Security for Division and Below ATP 3-13.5, Soldier and Leader Engagement ATP 3-50.20, Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) Planning and Preparations ATP 3-50.21, Survival ATP 3-50.22, Evasion FM 3-13, Information Operations FM 3-13.4, Army Support to Military Deception FM 3-50, Army Personnel Recovery