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Mentoring Stewardship

"Mentorship as a facet of leadership is probably the most important aspect of the Stewardship of the Profession that doesn't get the attention that it should," said COL Bircher. As a mentor, he explained how sharing advice and knowledge is helpful for the mentee as well as the mentor.

Video Case Studies - 

Bonded Commitment

Part 1: SGT Purchase discusses his choice to go to the funeral. He and his wife had to work through it and were able to find the financial means for both of them to go. The experience is very moving, as members of the unit came from all over. SGT Purchase's wife was able to understand the deep bonds developed between soldiers who face adversity alongside each other.

Part 2: SGT Purchase describes one of the female Soldiers in his Platoon whom he admired. She rose quickly into a leadership position and set the example for her Soldiers. After re-deployment, members of the unit move to different Army posts and positions. SGT Purchase finds out the female soldier had bone cancer, and later died. He weighs the decision to go to her funeral, realizing that his wife may misunderstand his motives for going and because financially it will be difficult.

Caring for our Own

CSM Julie Guerra was the victim of sexual assault as a Private First Class. Her unit's leadership set a standard which she now uses to train and educate her leaders on how to handle these cases. She is sharing her story to help fellow Army professionals better understand the needs of sexual assault victims, in order to eradicate this crime that undermines trust and tarnishes our Army Profession.

Carried Strength

PVT Bandy describes her father's decision to join the Army. He told his daughters how he was able to serve as a medic and save people on the battlefield. PVT Bandy notices how her father became a better man in the Army. She talks about dealing with the news of his death in Iraq, but also the pride she had in him. PVT Bandy describes how her father defines Honor. She wanted to be like him and describes how his memory motivates her. One time in particular she was frustrated with being in Basic and was ready to quit. Her Dad's memory gave her the strength to press on. PVT Bandy describes how her father's buddies have honored his memory, too.


After gaining contact with the enemy, CPT Jamey Gadoury continued to push to attack a C2 node. One of his tank sections engaged a vehicle that they had improperly identified as an insurgent vehicle. They reported that there were a couple of local civilians down in the street as a result of their gunfire. According to policies and procedures, CPT Gadoury realized that he needed to call this report up to his higher headquarters. Considering the impact of making this call and halting the mission, CPT Gadoury reconsidered. If the call was made, he felt it would have derailed the current mission and the high value target and associated items would be lost. He had a decision to make: call this report up and stop the mission or allow that report to stay at his level and the mission to continue.

Color Safe

SGT Briggs finds himself in a critical shoot/don't shoot, with the lives of his company potentially in the balance. While performing guard duty in one of the perimeter towers, SGT Briggs has been observing a local national waving a white flag and motioning. SGT Briggs attempted to get the man to move to a different location and figure out his intent. Instead, the man jumps over the perimeter wall into the American outpost. Penetrating the perimeter is considered a hostile act, and the Rules of Engagement clearly allow SGT Briggs to take the shot. SGT Briggs has a split second to decide whether this man lives or dies.

Confronting Unethical Conduct on Social Media

The Army recognizes that social media gives people the ability to communicate with larger audiences faster and in new ways. The Army also understands the risks associated with social media. Three Soldiers posted a video on YouTube that depicted life in the barracks. It was then posted to a popular Facebook page for greater exposure. MSG Katrina Moerk confronted the Soldiers who produced this video as well as those who made unprofessional statements in the comment section of this Facebook post. She is sharing her story because she wants all Army Professionals to know that there are no split personalities in social media.

Cover of Darkness

In 2003, Jerry Tucker-a squad leader in Iraq-is tasked with a mission to establish security at a compound south of Fallujah. As the mission progressed, 1SG Tucker and his Soldiers encountered a different scenario than intelligence had prepared them for.

CPT Jackson

Part 1: CPT Jackson describes being in Iraq and conducting a vehicle recovery when his unit came under enemy fire. He looked over and saw that his Company Commander and First Sergeant had both been hit. He makes the decision to expose himself to enemy fire to provide aid to his First Sergeant. Even after CPT Jackson is hit, he continues to render aid. He looks over and sees SSG Newlin taking charge of coordinating fires and evacuating the wounded. He draws the strength to continue to fight and provide aid to his fellow Soldiers because of this.

Part 2: CPT Jackson pushed through his wounds in order to carry his First Sergeant to safety. He then collapsed from his own wounds. He was confident that SFC Newlin would continue the fight and find the insurgents. As CPT Jackson recovered from his wounds, he drew strength from his First Sergeant's progress.

CSM Guerra: Effects of Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment on the Army Profession Video

CSM Julie Guerra was the victim of sexual assault as a Private First Class. Her unit's leadership set a standard which she now uses to train and educate her leaders on how to handle these cases. She is sharing her story to help fellow Army professionals better understand the needs of sexual assault victims, in order to eradicate this crime that undermines trust and tarnishes our Army Profession.


Written Case Studies - 

"Black Hearts" Case Study: The Yusufiyah Crimes, Iraq, March 12, 2006

On March 12, 2006, five Soldiers from 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 502d Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division abandoned their posts and headed to the village of Yusufiyah, located within their operational sector in Iraq. There the five Soldiers committed a brutal gang-rape and murder of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi, and the simultaneous murder of her family. Fueled by alcohol confiscated from Iraqis, coupled with talk of revenge against the Iraqi people, the Soldiers directed their frustrations towards the family whom they rationalized were supporting their enemies, viewing them as scapegoats for the real and imagined suffering they were experiencing.

"Hell No, I Won't Go"

In May 2006, I proudly raised my right hand and joined the world's greatest fighting force, the United States Army. I finally achieved what I had worked so hard for through my four years of college, the rank of second lieutenant.

"I Would Do It Exactly The Same Way"

We saw a significant increase in enemy activity and attacks in the recent months along main supply route (MSR) TAMPA in Iraq. Tensions were high on the ground and in the air. Improvised explosive device (IED) attacks were all too common and we lost a few aircraft due to enemy activity.
