Case Study Packages
Stand Strong Video Case Studies including SSG Valdez, SPC Wright, PFC Schuette, and CSM Guerra.
Each Ethical Module contains a situation requiring a decision which is presented in an introduction. The decision and actions of the main character are then presented in the situation conclusion. Facilitator questions are provided in a guide to aid instructors or leaders in enhancing discussions of the videos. Each module also contains supporting videos in which leaders who have reviewed the situation, react with their perceptions and ideas. The modules are most appropriate for training in Company level programs and below.
Ethical Decision Situations are video scenarios that present the viewer with a story and possible choices for behavior. Viewers are asked to identify which response they would do, or the most appropriate response with regard to a set of criteria provided by an instructor, or to rank the responses in the order they feel is most effective. Instructors and/or leaders will find them useful in courses or professional development sessions to promote facilitated discussions with the viewers concerning the scenario and the choices they make. They were originally designed for a junior officer audience across all services, but are appropriate for other ranks and audiences when properly facilitated.