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Mentoring Stewardship

"Mentorship as a facet of leadership is probably the most important aspect of the Stewardship of the Profession that doesn't get the attention that it should," said COL Bircher. As a mentor, he explained how sharing advice and knowledge is helpful for the mentee as well as the mentor.

Video Case Studies - 

PFC Breland

Part 1: PFC Breland describes how her Battle Buddy is struggling with her running in Basic. Her Battle Buddy is falling back on group runs and not performing well on the APFT 2-mile run. Some of their peers have said that they do not want to help because they are already tired from their own runs.

Part 2: PFC Breland describes how she motivated her Battle Buddy and took the time to run with her and help her to improve. She discusses how giving of her own time and energy gave her a sense of accomplishment.

PFC Keeter

Part 1: PFC Keeter describes his road march in Basic when he was really hurting. He talks about the difficulties of the road march and how he wasn't sure he was going to make it. A Buddy offered to take his ruck for him. PFC Keeter was afraid of failing.

Part 2: PFC Keeter discusses how he realized that handing off his rucksack would cause more pain for the rest of his platoon, so he draws strength from the hard work they are already doing. He realizes that quitting would actually be even worse for him. PFC Keeter realizes that he can endure, persevere and encourage others to work harder. He relates dealing with the stress in Basic to the stresses they will face in combat.

PFC Schuette: Effects of Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment on the Army Profession Video

This video case-study on PFC Schuette, addresses the crisis of sexual harassment and sexual assault through the lens of the Army Profession with a particular focus on the trust relationships that are the bedrock of the Army Profession. The accompanying facilitator's guide enables small group discussion about how the crime of sexual assault and a culture that enables sexual harassment contradicts all essential characteristics of the Army Profession.

PFC Smith

Part 1: PFC Smith describes a challenge he faced while serving as the Trainee Platoon Leader during Basic. PFC Smith's Platoon was given a narrow window of time in the evening for everyone to call home. He worked out the math and everyone had time for a 3- minute call. Then he found out some members of the Platoon had already called home by sneaking down to the phones earlier in the day. The responsibility fell on PFC Smith to sort this out.

Part 2: PFC Smith describes how he made his decision and how the Platoon reacted to it. He had further challenges because some of the Soldiers that went to the phones earlier never actually used them, and wanted their turn. PFC Smith was able to resolve the issues and execute his plan. He talks about Loyalty to his friends and Duty as the Platoon Leader.

Positive Work Environment

Principled Evaluation

W. Joe Kirby has been working more than 34 years as an Army Civilian at Ft. Sill. His jobs have included work with audio-visual and motion pictures, television, IVD technology, interactive coursework coordination, web-based technology etc. Prior to his time, Mr. Kirby had no military background due to a medical disqualification. However, he has continued to work in civil service positions as his contribution to the Army.

PV2 Cevidanes

Part 1: PV2 Cevidanes describes growing up in Brazil and struggling with her decision to join the Army. Her father was opposed to the decision and encouraged her to attend college first. The cultural norm for PV2 Cevidanes was for women NOT to serve in the Army. She balances the input of her father with advice from some respected mentors.

Part 2: PV2 Cevidanes describes her conversation with a mentor and how she realized how important joining the Army would be. She summoned the Personal Courage to tell her father what she was going to do. Many of her friends and family at first struggled to understand her decision, but now they all, including her father, are proud of her.

PV2 Colter

PV2 Colter describes wanting to get out of the Army any way he can!

PV2 Miller

Part 1: PV2 Miller describes having a buddy in Basic who gets a "Dear John" letter from his fiance. PV2 Miller describes the Soldier's struggle to stay motivated and how he ultimately thought of committing suicide. The Soldier ends up cutting his wrists in the latrine, but survived. The Platoon reacts to him in various ways, and many shun or mock the Soldier as "just trying to get kicked out." PV2 Miller has to decide whether or not to stick by his friend.

Part 2: PV2 Miller describes how he remained a friend to this Soldier. He describes the "little things" that he did to encourage his friend. The rest of the Platoon began to respond to this Soldier as well rather than making fun of him. PV2 Miller describes the bond that he has to his Battle Buddies.


Written Case Studies - 

"Black Hearts" Case Study: The Yusufiyah Crimes, Iraq, March 12, 2006

On March 12, 2006, five Soldiers from 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 502d Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division abandoned their posts and headed to the village of Yusufiyah, located within their operational sector in Iraq. There the five Soldiers committed a brutal gang-rape and murder of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi, and the simultaneous murder of her family. Fueled by alcohol confiscated from Iraqis, coupled with talk of revenge against the Iraqi people, the Soldiers directed their frustrations towards the family whom they rationalized were supporting their enemies, viewing them as scapegoats for the real and imagined suffering they were experiencing.

"Hell No, I Won't Go"

In May 2006, I proudly raised my right hand and joined the world's greatest fighting force, the United States Army. I finally achieved what I had worked so hard for through my four years of college, the rank of second lieutenant.

"I Would Do It Exactly The Same Way"

We saw a significant increase in enemy activity and attacks in the recent months along main supply route (MSR) TAMPA in Iraq. Tensions were high on the ground and in the air. Improvised explosive device (IED) attacks were all too common and we lost a few aircraft due to enemy activity.
