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CAL Case Studies

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Mentoring Stewardship

"Mentorship as a facet of leadership is probably the most important aspect of the Stewardship of the Profession that doesn't get the attention that it should," said COL Bircher. As a mentor, he explained how sharing advice and knowledge is helpful for the mentee as well as the mentor.

Video Case Studies - 

Taking Leave, Wintrich

Fred Wintrich was a battalion executive officer just before the surge in Iraq. His unit operated in a hotly contested area, averaging 11 direct fire contacts a day over the entire deployment. Before taking leave, he handed his responsibilities to the S3, MAJ Rob Salome.

Tarnished Coin

My team leader and I caught an HVT (high value target). We were not part of the raid element, but we were assigned as the outer cordon element and my squad leader was pretty upset about it. So, he was sitting in the humvee sulking and getting all upset. Instead of saying, "It's the mission, we need to do the right thing" - he was upset about it. So, my team leader and I were out in the courtyard and caught the guy (the HVT) coming over the wall. It was kind of the right place at the right time. And at the end of the day, the Squad Leader has to report to the First Sergeant and he tells him, "my guys were sitting in the humvee sulking, and I was on the other side of this wall and caught this guy. He landed in my lap and I caught him." "He was decorated and given a coin by General Petreaus. That's wrong. The fact that he would lie about it. So, you were put into a situation of - do you lie to cover up for this guy? Where do your loyalties lie?

Team Recognition Part 1

The Army Civilian Corps

The Best Soldier

After his deployment to Iraq where he was a sniper team leader, SGT Powers noticed his attitude and the way he responded to the ins and outs of daily life had changed. The Soldiers in his unit and his leadership noticed, too. With the unwavering support from his chain of command, SGT Powers was able to work through the issues and says, "I'm better now."

The Effects of Hazing and Sexual Assault on the Army Profession

SPC Jarett Wright was hazed and sexually assaulted while deployed to Iraq in 2010. He is sharing his story to prevent similar acts from happening to others.

The Family Plan

After a long series of unfortunate events, SSG Koschtial deliberates whether to update his family plan for the sake of his daughter and remain in the Army, or leave the Army altogether.

The Honorable Service Sector

Justin Watt served in the 101st Airborne Division's 502nd Infantry Regiment and deployed to Iraq in 2005. During this deployment, members of his platoon raped a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and executed her and her family. Justin not a witness to this act, but once told about it by a fellow Soldier he reported the incident. He is sharing his story to help others understand the importance of serving honorably.

The following video is an excerpt from Stand Strong: Serving Honorably in Combat.

The Lost Battle Part 1


Written Case Studies - 

"Black Hearts" Case Study: The Yusufiyah Crimes, Iraq, March 12, 2006

On March 12, 2006, five Soldiers from 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 502d Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division abandoned their posts and headed to the village of Yusufiyah, located within their operational sector in Iraq. There the five Soldiers committed a brutal gang-rape and murder of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi, and the simultaneous murder of her family. Fueled by alcohol confiscated from Iraqis, coupled with talk of revenge against the Iraqi people, the Soldiers directed their frustrations towards the family whom they rationalized were supporting their enemies, viewing them as scapegoats for the real and imagined suffering they were experiencing.

"Hell No, I Won't Go"

In May 2006, I proudly raised my right hand and joined the world's greatest fighting force, the United States Army. I finally achieved what I had worked so hard for through my four years of college, the rank of second lieutenant.

"I Would Do It Exactly The Same Way"

We saw a significant increase in enemy activity and attacks in the recent months along main supply route (MSR) TAMPA in Iraq. Tensions were high on the ground and in the air. Improvised explosive device (IED) attacks were all too common and we lost a few aircraft due to enemy activity.
