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TRADOC Proponent Office - Constructive (TPO-C)


The TPO Constructive serves as the Army's centralized planner, manager, and integrator for all capability development and User’s Representative activities associated with constructive training simulations and their enablers including the Joint Land Component Constructive Training Capability (JLCCTC), One Semi-Automated Forces (OneSAF), and Common Battle Command Simulation Equipment (CBCSE). These responsibilities include requirements and future capabilities development for the JLCCTC and its Army Low Overhead Training Toolkit (ALOTT).

How TPO Constructive Helps the Army

  • The Joint Land Component Constructive Training Capability (JLCCTC) simulates the operational environment for small-to-large scale ground combat operations training and exercises while stimulating all Army Mission Command Information Systems and is the only Army TADSS that can enable and ensure the Readiness of Commanders & Staffs from Battalion through Joint Task Force levels. The Army Low Overhead Training Toolkit (ALOTT) provides a lower overhead simulation capability for Mission Command training in support of Army Centers of Excellence, Schools and Institutions.
  • The Common Battle Command Simulation Equipment (CBCSE) provides up-to-date hardware & software licenses and periodic “Refresh” of equipment to ensure that the JLCCTC remains relevant and capable of supporting Mission Command Training and Exercises at the Combat Training Centers and 37 Mission Training Complex (MTC) locations worldwide.
  • The One Semi-automated Forces models real-world representations of platforms, Soldiers, equipment, logistical supplies, communications systems & networks, emerging threats, and aviation assets to achieve the level of fidelity required for a particular application or scenario. In addition to Training, it supports the other five Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Communities (Acquisition, Analysis, Experimentation, Intelligence and Testing).

Top Priorities

  • Ensure that the JLCCTC Federation of simulations is relevant and capable of driving Battalion through Joint Task Force command post exercises (CPXs) for Active & Reserve Component units, Combat Training Centers and Joint / Multinational Exercises.
  • Ensure that the ALOTT is relevant and continues to provide a low overhead driver capability for Leader Development at Army Institutions by supporting core individual & staff Mission Command training proficiencies.
  • Ensure that the CBCSE procures & delivers necessary upgrades of commercial-off-the-shelf training hardware, software & licenses and required new equipment training for Army MTC facilities and staffs worldwide.
  • Ensure that the OneSAF Mission Command Adapter and server continue to enable entity-level simulation-stimulation interactions between simulation systems and Mission Command Information Systems for training.
  • Continue to focus development on constructive support to the Live, Virtual and Constructive –Integrating Architecture and support the transition of constructive simulations to the Synthetic Training Environment (STE) via the Next Generation Constructive (NGC) simulation.

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