Content has been removed to align with the President’s executive orders and DoD priorities.

Global Simulation Capability (GSC)



The GSC supports readiness by providing Commanders the collective mission command training environment to conduct Large Scale Combat Operation (LSCO) CPXs at home station.

What we provide:

  • The Global Simulation Capability is a Commander’s Program which serves as the premier training enabler for Division, Corps Commanders to train on Mission Command at home station or the point of need.
  • CPXIII’s execute IAW FRAGO 8 to FY 18-19 training ISO Sustainable readiness model for division and higher-level command post events as directed by Forces Command.
  • Provides Commanders the tools to conduct a Pre-WFX (CPXIII), WFX, and 1st Army CTE to achieve their training and readiness objectives.

Contact Us

Office Number
GSC Director 913-684-8300
GSC Deputy 913-684-8160
GSC Exercise Support 913-684-8334
GSC Operations 913-684-8487