Content has been removed to align with the President’s executive orders and DoD priorities.

Sustainment Exercise and Simulation Directorate (SESD)



LESD enables commander accomplishment of mission command training objectives at Home Station (HS), Combat Training Centers (CTC) and within joint exercise programs by providing effective sustainment simulation support at the point of need.

  • Enhance Army institutional education through simulation support.
  • Support Army capability development for current and future simulations.


World-class simulation support to commanders at the point of need

  • Delivered by a professional, cohesive team of experts
  • Enabled by a challenging and effective simulated training environment
  • Modernized and optimized to best achieve the supported commander's objectives


LESD is a team of highly skilled and innovative professionals who understand the current and future operational environment and expertly integrate simulation into training environments to achieve commander's objective and BUILD READINESS!!


The ABCs of LESD

  • 1. ADAPT a team of experts that can rapidly and precisely apply doctrine in a simulation environment.
  • 2. BUILD strong relationships across the training support and sustainment enterprise.
  • 3. CREATE realistic, complex training environments delivered to the point of need


  • Take care of our people - develop leaders, steward the profession
  • Train as we fight - improve the quality of the training environment
  • Strengthen relationships

Contact us

Office Number
Director LESD 804-765-1789
Deputy Director LESD 804-765-1789
Operations 804-765-1478
Future Simulations Division 804-765-1492
Exercise Division 804-765-1719
Simulation Support Division 804-765-1177
