Video, 4 minutes
This video describes ethical difficulties and processes to improve ethical behavior.
Training, 70 minutes
This IMI lesson explains how to address counterproductive leadership in the most effective way possible. This resource will help you understand strategies to intervene for others handling a leader exhibiting counterproductive leadership, strategies to use to directly address a leader exhibiting counterproductive leadership, strategies to strengthen your resilience against the effects of counterproductive leadership, and how to handle pushback.
Document, 2 hours
This ADP explains the importance of the Army, key components of today's Army, and the Army's vision for preparing for the future. Reading this ADP will help you understand the Army's core competencies, strategies, and insights into how the Army is preparing for the future needs.
Document, 3 hours
This ADP describes how the Army conducts operations using the Army's operational concept. Reading this ADP will provide you with guidance on problem solving in the Army and how the operational concept is applied to various operations.
This ADP explains the differences between command and control within mission command. Reading this ADP will help you understand command and control and its relationship to mission command.
Video, 86 minutes
This video focuses on the future of mission command. By watching this video, you'll learn how mission command has changed over time.
Training, 25 minutes
In this IMI lesson, you'll learn the situational factors and personal characteristics that can contribute to counterproducte leadership. By completing this lesson, you'll identify strategies for observing counterproductive leadership behaviors and assessing their impact and determine when to move forward with addressing counterproductive leadership.
Document, 35 minutes
This Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 6-22.1 provides doctrinal guidance for all leaders, military and civilian, responsible for planning, preparing, executing, and assessing counseling actions. This resource will provide you with a doctrinal framework for counseling subordinates.
Training, 2 hours
This training describes why it's important for Army leaders to understand the perspectives of other people. This training will help you create a climate in your organization that values others' perspectives.
Training, 1 hour
In this online Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI), Army leaders will learn how they can leverage an action-oriented approach to understand why climate matters and recognize what can be done to implement a positive organizational climate.
Document, 1 hour
Army leaders can use this handbook to understand, assess, create, and sustain a positive command climate and increase unit effectiveness.
This training aid is designed for small-unit leaders (e.g., platoons, squads, and teams) to supplement and maximize the value of the training and other work tasks that are already taking place in their unit. Specifically, this training aid is intended to help you, as a small-unit leader, build a cohesive and adaptable unit that is better prepared to overcome the challenges that will be encountered in the future operational environment.
This handbook contains information for leaders on how to build teams and contribute individually to team success, including how to create a cohesive climate and resolve conflict. There are vignettes throughout the handbook to help illustrate key points. These vignettes are experiences from Soldiers across the Army. Some are from the Sergeant Major of the Army’s (SMA) “This is My Squad” panel, while others were gathered from interviews with leaders and squad members at various locations.
Training, 45 minutes
This training explains why it's important for leaders to create a vision for the future. By completing this training, you'll learn how to create, communicate, and apply a vision.
Training, 30 minutes
This training describes the differences between traditional delegation and mission-focused delegation and explains why mission-focused delegation is important to do. This training will help you improve your delegation skills and manage your mission-focused delegations.
Training, 35 minutes
This IMI lesson focuses on how to identify counterproductive leadership behaviors. By completing this training, you'll learn about the types of behaviors counterproductive leaders engage in and how to identify counterproductive leadership.
Video, 5 minutes
This short video helps you improve trust skills by buiding respect with the people in your life.
Document, 6 hours
This guide provides Army leaders at all levels with strategies they can use to improve their leadership capabilities. By reading this guide, you'll gain tools and resources to jump start your self development.
This training instructs learners about ways they can influence others. By completing this training, you'll understand the importance of strengthening your influence, how to set the stage for influence, how to choose your influence technique, and how to evaluate your ability to influence.
Website, 5 minutes
This case study describes the importance of adhering to standards and what can happen when Army leaders fail to do so. By reading this case study, you'll understand the importance of setting aside personal beliefs when making decisions about professional ethics.
Training, 60 minutes
This training provides guidance on how to rapidly build teams. This resource will teach you how to stand-up and lead rapidly-formed teams.
This page uses the Army Leader Model for personal and team growth.
Video, 6 minutes
This video and facilitator guide describe the importance Army leaders should place on enforcing standards. These resources will help you understand the importance of enforcing standards, even when it is difficult and uncomfortable.
This training describes the leader's role in the transformation of combat power into action. This training will provide you with background about war fighting functions, the multi-domain battlefield, operational art, combat power and action, and the core competencies of Army leaders.