Training, 45 minutes
This training describes the importance of assessing individuals and groups to match work requirements. By completing this training, you'll learn about when and how to assess your team members' capabilities and assign them to tasks.
Video, 125 minutes
This video describes how large scale combat operations are changing and how the revised FM 3-0 addresses challenges facing operation environments. By watching this video, you'll learn about what the Army is doing to adapt to conflicts and maintain readiness.
This training describes how to clarify roles. By completing this training, you'll learn how to clarify roles in your organization and how to manage role conflict when it emerges.
Document, 85 minutes
This handbook describes how to provide feedback to leaders about Soldier performance and mission accomplishment. Reviewing this document will help you contribute to improving leader performance related to motivating Soldiers.
Training, 30 minutes
This training explains how to foster team unity and create more effective teams. By completing this training, you'll learn about your role in creating an effective team and how you can mitigate dysfunctional team behaviors.
Video, 5 minutes
This Army Leader talks about changing wishes to goals.
Video, 10 minutes
This video describes how Army Soldiers should provide feedback to leaders. By watching this video, you'll learn several strategies and tips to effectively deliver feedback and consider people's individual differences.
This video describes the importance of providing subordinate leaders with feedback. By watching this video, you'll learn why feedback is so integral, why you should try to identify your top performers and develop them, and how to challenge others.
This training describes ways to manage conflict. By completing this training, you'll learn about different conflict management approaches and how to resolve conflict collaboratively.
Video, 4 minutes
This video explains how leaders use mission command differently based on the situation. This video will provide you with an example of how one leader applied mission command to different situations.
This training describes sources of motivation including rewards. By completing this training, you'll learn several strategies and techniques for motivating people.
Video, 23 minutes
This video describes how to provide feedback to leadership about attributes and competencies. By watching this video, you'll learn how to observe leaders' abilities and provide feedback that will help them grow.
Training, 60 minutes
This training describes how to manage and prioritize competing demands in a constrained amout of time. By completing this training, you'll learn how differentiate between effective and ineffective time management practices and apply time management strategies to manage competing demands.
Training, 15 minutes
This training describes how to remove work barriers. By completing this training, you'll learn about how to mitigate different types of work barriers.
Website, 5 minutes
This article is a summary of an exhaustively detailed academic paper titled “The Effect of Simple Role-Playing Games on the Wargaming Step of the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP): A Mixed Methods Approach,” previously published in Developments in Business Simulation and Experimental Learning.
This training describes how to seek and deliver face-to-face feedback. By completing this training, you'll learn how to effectively seek constructive feedback and deliver corrective feedback.
Document, 2 hours
This TC provides guidance on how to address factors affecting employee engagement. By reading this TC, you'll learn how to improve and maintain employee engagement.
This training describes the leader's role in the transformation of combat power into action. This training will provide you with background about war fighting functions, the multi-domain battlefield, operational art, combat power and action, and the core competencies of Army leaders.