Training, 70 minutes
This IMI lesson explains how to address counterproductive leadership in the most effective way possible. This resource will help you understand strategies to intervene for others handling a leader exhibiting counterproductive leadership, strategies to use to directly address a leader exhibiting counterproductive leadership, strategies to strengthen your resilience against the effects of counterproductive leadership, and how to handle pushback.
Document, 6 hours
This leadership roadmap and toolkit provides the details APHIS employees need to identify and develop the competencies in their specific case. These resources will help you learn how to create a workplace where employees and supervisors take equal responsibility for leadership development and improve the leadership skills of all APHIS employees.
Document, 1 hour
This ATP describes the importance of team building in the Army and several team building techniques. By reading this ATP, you'll learn about the formation stage of team building, the enrichment stage of team building, adapting to change in teams, and responding to team conflict.
Training, 1 hour
In this online Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI), Army leaders will learn how they can leverage an action-oriented approach to understand why climate matters and recognize what can be done to implement a positive organizational climate.
Army leaders can use this handbook to understand, assess, create, and sustain a positive command climate and increase unit effectiveness.
This training aid is designed for small-unit leaders (e.g., platoons, squads, and teams) to supplement and maximize the value of the training and other work tasks that are already taking place in their unit. Specifically, this training aid is intended to help you, as a small-unit leader, build a cohesive and adaptable unit that is better prepared to overcome the challenges that will be encountered in the future operational environment.
Document, 2 hours
This handbook contains information for leaders on how to build teams and contribute individually to team success, including how to create a cohesive climate and resolve conflict. There are vignettes throughout the handbook to help illustrate key points. These vignettes are experiences from Soldiers across the Army. Some are from the Sergeant Major of the Army’s (SMA) “This is My Squad” panel, while others were gathered from interviews with leaders and squad members at various locations.
This training describes how Army Leaders can build trust in their organizations. By completing this training, you'll understand the differences between category-based and person-based trust and learn tips on how to earn trust.
This training describes why it's important to have working relationships across boundaries. By completing this training, you'll learn how to hone your social awareness, build trust and respect with others, and bridge boundaries.
Website, 10 minutes
The author describes how uncertainty in warfare is a constant, change in warfare will accelerate, and the magnitude of change in warfare will increase. Therefore, future commanders can ill afford subordinate leaders who cannot connect the dots and turn threats into opportunities.
Video, 10 minutes
This video provides a scenario where a Staff Sergeant counsels a Sergeant on poor performance and how the Staff Sergeant responds to the Sergeant's challenges. By watching this video, you'll learn how to use physical and verbal actions to create an effective counseling atmosphere.
This video shows an NCO counseling session in which a Sergeant receives a good rating from a Staff Sergeant and agrees with the rating. By watching this video, you'll learn how to use physical and verbal actions to create an effective counseling atmosphere, balance discussing strengths and areas for improvement, and encourage future performance improvements.
Video, 5 minutes
Positive character focuses on what is right. This video describes how to improve character strengths.
Document, 10 minutes
Counterproductive thinking can be reduced through practice and activities.
Website, 5 minutes
Strong relationships are not automatic, but they can be developed using the ideas on this page.
Video, 2 minutes
This video explains the importance of trust in teams. This video will help you understand why getting to know Soldiers on a personal level is essential for building trust.
This video describes the importance of trust between Soldiers. By watching this video, you'll understand how camaraderie and shared experiences are the foundation of trust between Soldiers.
This video describes the importance of trust between Soldiers and leaders. By watching this video, you'll learn why trust is essential for teams in the Army.
Stress is normal, but you can learn to redirect it.
Training, 30 minutes
This training instructs learners about ways they can influence others. By completing this training, you'll understand the importance of strengthening your influence, how to set the stage for influence, how to choose your influence technique, and how to evaluate your ability to influence.
This webpage gives creative ways to transform challenges into opportunities.
Video, 4 minutes
This video providess strategies on how to rebuild relationships.
This resource contains articles and activities to develop connections to meaning and purpose in your own religious/spiritual traditions.
This TC provides guidance on how to address factors affecting employee engagement. By reading this TC, you'll learn how to improve and maintain employee engagement.
Training, 60 minutes
This training describes the leader's role in the transformation of combat power into action. This training will provide you with background about war fighting functions, the multi-domain battlefield, operational art, combat power and action, and the core competencies of Army leaders.