Content has been removed to align with the President’s executive orders and DoD priorities.

Mission Command Training Program (MCTP)

MCTP Mission: Mission Command Training Program supports the collective training of Army units as directed by the Chief of Staff of the Army and scheduled by Forces Command to provide Commanders and Leaders the opportunity to train on Mission Command in Unified Land Operations.

What MCTP Provides for the Army:

  • Exercises for Army Service Component Commands, Corps, Divisions, Functional/Multi-Functional Brigades and select Army National Guard Brigade Combat Teams
  • Retired general officers serve as senior mentors to the Army’s senior leadership
  • Professional observer, coach/trainers ensuring we have a well-trained fighting force
  • Robust suite of simulations capable of replicating complex, operational environments
  • Competitive, “free thinking” opposing forces emulating real-word threat conditions

MCTP Priorities

  • Conduct exercises as scheduled by Forces Command
  • Increase Joint and Allied participation in Warfighter Exercise (WFX)
  • Establish Joint and Allied duty positions within MCTP
  • Reduce exercise costs
  • Develop multiple operating environments

MCTP SharePoint portal