Manages and executes program requirements integration for the Army Training Support System Enterprise (TSSE) in cooperation with the DA G 3/7 TR to provide Training Support for the Army. Conducts training support analyses, manages fielded training aids, devices, simulators and simulations to include Graphic Training Aids and consolidated TSS non-maintenance services, manages the Army Doctrine Training Literature Program, and leads TRADOC Training Modernization efforts in coordination with Army Commands and ASCC, HQ TRADOC, ARCIC, Centers of Excellence, and other key stakeholders across the Army.

How TSAID Helps the Army
- Acts as the TRADOC Core Function Lead for Army Training Support System efforts and program integration.
- Manages the Army Training Support System Enterprise that helps Soldiers and civilians support Army readiness.
- Manages the lifecycle of training aids, devices, simulators, simulations and graphic training aids for world-wide distribution.
- Identifies and prioritizes Army training, leadership and education gaps and capabilities.
- Ensures Army warfighting capabilities are trainable with identified training capabilities.
Top Priorities
- In coordination with Combined Arms Center-Training (CAC-T), manage Training Support System Enterprise (TSSE) actions.
- As the Army's lead agent, provide total lifecycle and staff management oversight for the Army's non-system Training, Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations (TADSS), fielded-system TADSS and Graphic Training Aids.
- Serve as the TRADOC lead for the Army's Doctrine and Training Literature Program.
- Conduct TSS studies and analyses to provide analytical underpinning for TSSE and TRADOC priorities.
- Support Army senior leaders and the TSSE to assess and articulate the impacts of resourcing decisions on the capability of training support programs, products, services and facilities to support readiness.
- Validate TSS information in the Army program of instruction documents.
- Manage the training, leader and education domain review of Joint Capabilities Integration Development System documents and Capability Needs Analysis as part of the Army Capabilities Integration Center capability review and development process.
- Manage the TSS Support Contract that streamlines services and gains efficiencies by consolidating TSS training support requirements across the Live, Virtual, Constructive and Gaming domains at home stations and Combat Training Centers.
- Develop and maintain Training Modernization Strategy and Roadmaps for TSS Enterprise Programs and the Training Support System Master Plan.
About Us
How TSAID Helps the Army
- Acts as the TRADOC Core Function Lead for Army Training Support System efforts and program integration.
- Manages the Army Training Support System Enterprise that helps Soldiers and civilians support Army readiness.
- Manages the lifecycle of training aids, devices, simulators, simulations and graphic training aids for world-wide distribution.
- Identifies and prioritizes Army training, leadership and education gaps and capabilities.
- Ensures Army warfighting capabilities are trainable with identified training capabilities.
Top Priorities
- In coordination with Combined Arms Center-Training (CAC-T), manage Training Support System Enterprise (TSSE) actions.
- As the Army's lead agent, provide total lifecycle and staff management oversight for the Army's non-system Training, Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations (TADSS), fielded-system TADSS and Graphic Training Aids.
- Serve as the TRADOC lead for the Army's Doctrine and Training Literature Program.
- Conduct TSS studies and analyses to provide analytical underpinning for TSSE and TRADOC priorities.
- Support Army senior leaders and the TSSE to assess and articulate the impacts of resourcing decisions on the capability of training support programs, products, services and facilities to support readiness.
- Validate TSS information in the Army program of instruction documents.
- Manage the training, leader and education domain review of Joint Capabilities Integration Development System documents and Capability Needs Analysis as part of the Army Capabilities Integration Center capability review and development process.
- Manage the TSS Support Contract that streamlines services and gains efficiencies by consolidating TSS training support requirements across the Live, Virtual, Constructive and Gaming domains at home stations and Combat Training Centers.
- Develop and maintain Training Modernization Strategy and Roadmaps for TSS Enterprise Programs and the Training Support System Master Plan.
About Us

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