Army Capability Manager - Live


TCM Live is the Army's centralized planner, manager and integrator for capability development and user activities of live training systems and enablers. These systems and enablers provide the live capabilities at the Combat Training Centers (CTCs) and home stations to train units for Unified Land Operations. TCM Live reports to the TRADOC commanding general.

How TCM Live Helps the Army

  • Provides training systems and enablers including live force on force, instrumentation systems and tactical engagement simulations at the CTCs and home stations.
  • Represents the customer to the materiel developer in providing live training systems and enablers.
  • Acts as the chief architect for the design and development of the live components of the Integrated Training Environment (ITE).
  • Recommends live resource requirements in support of the ITE as required by the Department of Defense Training Transformation, the Army Doctrine Publication and the Training Support System Enterprise execution of the Army Training Concept.
  • Assess doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership, and education, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF) requirements for live capabilities to meet Soldier’s training needs.

Top Priorities

  • Live training battlefield realism to train Soldiers and leaders for combat at CTCs and home stations.
  • Concurrency of fielded live training systems and enablers.
  • Live training requirements management, integration, and Common Training Instrumentation Architecture.
  • Development and fielding of new instrumentation systems and tactical engagement simulations.
  • Live training gap mitigation based on science and technology development and transition to appropriate Live Training Programs of Record.
  • Sustainment of existing live training systems and technical refresh of fielded systems.

Contact Us

TCM Live Operations 757-878-0713