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ATP 6-22.1, Providing Feedback: Counseling-Coaching-Mentoring

Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 6-22.1 provides doctrinal guidance for all leaders, military and civilian, responsible for planning, preparing, executing, and assessing counseling actions. Trainers and educators throughout the Army will also use this publication.

Commanders, staffs, and subordinates ensure their decisions and actions comply with applicable U.S., international, and, in some cases, host-nation laws and regulations. Commanders at all levels ensure their Soldiers operate in accordance with the law of war and the rules of engagement. (See Field Manual [FM] 27- 10.) ATP 6-22.1 applies to the Active Army, Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and United States Army Reserve unless otherwise stated. For specifics in addressing Army Civilian counseling requirements, leaders should contact the servicing civilian personnel office.