Athena_Self-Development Tool Resources    




Athena is an Army leader development program designed to inform and motivate Soldiers to embrace personal and professional development. Adding to the Army’s culture of assessments, Athena uses batteries of assessments to increase a Soldiers self-awareness of leadership skills and behaviors, cognitive abilities, and personal traits and attributes. Assessment batteries are strategically selected to compliment the leadership skills being developed at a number of Army schools. For each assessment completed, students receive a feedback report with their results and information about how to interpret their results.


Athena is all about self-awareness. By providing leaders with the tools to identify their strengths, recognize where improvements can be made, as well as provide access to resources that support self-initiative and self-development, Army leaders can continuously learn new skills and improve their abilities.

Athena provides students an opportunity to expand their self-awareness and tailor self-development to their individual needs. In addition, schools and faculty can use information from anonymous aggregate results to identify important trends and objectively inform their Programs of Instruction (POI).