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SHARP Safe Helpline


Course Descriptions

Basic Course

The three-week SHARP Basic Course is the entry point for all SHARP professionals and focuses on providing the Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSAs) to successfully conduct victim advocacy. Upon graduating, students will meet the requirements to be a Victim Advocate (VA) and will be eligible for DoD Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) certification. The SHARP Basic course provides students with instruction to: 1) Provide competent and comprehensive advocacy services to victims of sexual harassment or sexual assault in accordance with United States Law, Department of Defense (DOD) and Army guidance. 2) Aid in the understanding of the program at varying levels of leadership, 2) Assist units, leaders, and other SARC's/VA's in shaping and implementing an effective SHARP program. The SHARP Basic Course is the only D-SAACP certifying course and graduation is a prerequisite for attending the next level of SHARP professional education. Completion of this course will award the ASI of N3.

Intermediate Course

The SHARP Intermediate Course is for individuals who are filling full time Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), Lead

SARC, Supervisory SARC, SHARP Program Compliance Specialist, and Program Manager positions. The SHARP Intermediate Course is a three-week course, designed to provide SHARP professionals with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to be the center of gravity for advocacy support, case management, and SHARP program implementation at the brigade and higher levels. The course provides students with instruction to: 1) Efficiently process a complaint of sexual harassment or report of sexual assault, 2) professionally conduct victim case management, 3) provide SHARP program policy and procedural guidance to commands, Soldiers, DA Civilians, and family members and, 4) oversee SHARP training and education activities for a commands. Graduating from the SHARP Intermediate Course is a prerequisite for attending the next level of SHARP Professional education. Completion of this course will award the ASI of 1H.

Advanced Course

The SHARP Advanced Course is for individuals who are filling SHARP Program Manager, Lead Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), selected Supervisory SARC, and SHARP Program Compliance Specialist positions. The three-week SHARP Advanced Course provides an enterprise level of understanding, supervising, and directing personnel to ensure maximum and optimal efficiencies of resources, capital, and employees. The course prepares senior SHARP professionals to assume increasing levels of responsibility and leadership within organizations. The course provides students with the knowledge and skills to: 1) manage an ACOM/ASCC/DRU/NG command level SHARP program, 2) efficiently manage organizational resources, 3) leading change across the organization and, 4) direct SHARP program management activities.