Content has been removed to align with the President’s executive orders and DoD priorities.

Training Management Directorate (TMD)


As the Army lead and proponent for training management, TMD manages, develops and sustains Training Management doctrine, processes, products and systems to enable institutions and units to train, educate and develop Soldiers and Army Civilians across the Institutional, Operational and Self Development Training Domains in support of Army readiness to execute Multidomain Operations.

How TMD helps the Army:

  • Sustain Army Training Management Doctrine (ADP 7-0 & FM 7-0)
  • Manage Army Training Management Requirements (Institutional and Operational)
  • Sustain the Army’s Enterprise Training Management System
  • Sustain the Army’s Training Portal
  • Sustain Institutional Training Management Products
  • Provide Training Management training to Institutional and Operational customers
  • Provide the Operational Force with unit training products (Standard METL, Collective/Individual Tasks, and CATS)


Click here to download a tutorial for accessing ATN from a personal device  
Click here to visit the Army's one-stop for training materials the Army Training Network

Click here for a tutorial of a How to add ATN to your personal device home screen