Content has been removed to align with the President’s executive orders and DoD priorities.

What is CAC?

The US Army Combined Arms Center (CAC) is the force modernization proponent for unified land operations, combined arms operations at echelons above brigade (Division, Corps and Theater Army), mission command, airspace control, information operations, irregular warfare, knowledge management, personnel recovery, OPSEC, military deception, security force assistance, UAP interoperability, and the Army Profession. CAC is also the US Army's lead organization for lessons learned, doctrine, training, education, functional training, fielded force integration, managing the Army Leader Development Program, Army Profession Program, Army Training Support System Enterprise, Army Training and Education Management Enterprise, and the Combat Training Center Program. CAC is made up of more than 34,000 Soldiers and Army Civilian Corps employees stationed throughout the United States, Europe, Korea, and SW Asia and nine centers of excellence, 20 branch schools, and seven non-branch schools. The Combined Arms Center synchronizes 37 US Army schools through Army University educating and training more than 300,000 students annually, including nearly 5,000 students from 130 separate nations and more than 10,000 sailors, airmen, and Marines from the Joint Force.

Centers of Excellence



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Branch Schools


br-in br-ar br-avn br-fa br-ada br-mi br-cyber638428348043042292 br-sc br-eng


br-mp br-chem br-ord br-qm br-ag br-tc br-fin BR-SF_2 BR-MED_2


Non-Branch Schools

