The US Army Combined Arms Center develops full Doctrine, Organizations, Training, Materiel, Leader Development and Education, Personnel, Facilities, and Policy (DOTMLPF-P) requirements for divisions, corps, and theater armies while synchronizing and integrating doctrine, training, education, and leader development solutions across the six warfighting function proponents, the combined arms team, joint force, and multi-national partners. This is all accomplished through CAC's US Army lead roles and TRADOC core functions.

The Combined Arms Center further delivers professional military education and functional training through 20 branch and seven non-branch schools, as well as delivers individual and collective training and education support through enabling capabilities. This allows CAC to provide the Army with agile, adaptive, and expert professional Soldiers and leaders, and DOTMLPF solutions for highly capable combined arms formations to successfully conduct Unified Land Operations to shape, prevent, prevail in large scale combat operations (LSCO), and consolidate gains against peer threats in complex and contested environments.