Developmental Feedback Reports (DFRs) provide candidates of the Command Assessment Programs (CAP) with detailed multisource feedback based on their experience at CAP. The purpose of this report is to provide CAP candidates customized feedback on areas for self-improvement and to increase self-awareness. Access: Candidates who have gone to CAP. The feedback reports are provided to candidates through Army Enterprise Assessment System (AEAS). Resources: ADP 6-22, Army Leadership and the Profession FM 6-22, Developing Leaders Army Handbook for Self-Development Building and Maintaining a Positive Climate Interactive Leader Development Guide Individual Development Plan (IDP) DA Form 7906 Self-initiated assessments of Leader Effectiveness (Site registration is required to access.) LDR90 is a self-assessment. LDR180 is a multisource assessment collected from self and peers. LDR360 is a multisource assessment collected from self, peers, subordinates, and superiors.