DA Form 7906 Thursday, June 27, 2024 DA Form 7906, Individual Development Plan Who: Everyone (Soldiers and Civilians of all ranks) What: DA 7906 Individual Development Plan (IDP) When: NOW (Published on APD NOV 2022) Where: Formal and Informal Counseling Sessions … Coming to a formation near you Why: This DA form is designed to describe your self-assessed Strengths and Developmental Needs and identify Short-Term and Long-Term Goals, with an immediate plan of action for what you will do in the next 90 days to begin your self-development. Using the IDP will not only enable your self-development goals but assist your supervisor, mentors, and coaches in guiding your development and tailoring how they develop you. With the IDP, the Army will continue developing Leaders who will fight and win on any battlefield. To access the DA Form 7906, Individual Development Plan, click the link below. DA FORM 7906