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Mr. John Burns

Mr. John Burns

Deputy to the Commander United States Army Garrison Fort Leavenworth

Mr. John M. Burns

Mr. John Burns assumed his position as the Deputy to the Garrison Commander on 19 May, 2024, at U.S. Garrison Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

Mr. Burns’ previous civilian service assignments were the Deputy to the Garrison Commander at US Army Rock Island Arsenal, IL from Jun 2020 to May 2024, Acting Deputy to the Garrison Commander USAG Fort Belvoir, Virginia; Deputy to the Garrison Commander for Housing USAG Fort Belvoir, Virginia; Director of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security (DPTMS) USAG Fort Belvoir; Director DPTMS USAG Bavaria, Germany; Supervisor of Plans / Deputy Director DPTMS USAG Fort Belvoir, Virginia; Deputy Chief of Operations DPTMS USAG Fort Belvoir, Virginia; Supervisor Plans and Operations USAG Garmisch, Germany; Plans Specialist USAG Grafenwoehr, Germany; and Program Manager (Base Operations) USAG Grafenwoehr, Germany with duty at Rose Barracks (Special Assignment).

Prior to civilian service, Mr. Burns served 29 years (active and reserve) as an enlisted Soldier with assignments in Europe, Pacific and the United States. His military assignments include Command Sergeants Major, 100th ASG/USAG Grafenwoehr, Installation Management Agency/Command Grafenwoehr, Germany; Command Sergeants Major, 84th Chemical Battalion, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri; Brigade Operations Sergeants Major, 3rd Chemical Bridge, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri; and Activity Sergeants Major, Johnston Island.

Mr. Burns earned a Bachelor of Science from Drury University Springfield, Missouri. He is a graduate of the Technical Escort Course, Master Fitness Trainer Course, Airborne Course, Chemical Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course, Air Assault Course, Drill Sergeant Course, Garrison Command Sergeants Major Course Army Management Staff College, and the Cost Management Course.

Mr. Burns received numerous achievement awards, including the Superior Civilian Service Award, Commander’s Award for Civilian Service, Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters, and the Army Commendation Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters.