Joint and Multinational Doctrine Division

Joint and Multinational Doctrine Division

The Joint and Multinational Doctrine Division (JMDD) reviews and updates joint and multinational publications from the Army perspective as well as writes and reviews Army doctrine. JMDD manages the Army Terminology and Symbology program and related publications. It reviews draft Army publications for correct terminology and symbology.

Members of the JMDD represent the Army at forums methods that national and multinational land forces operate, standardize, and interoperate. JMDD represents the Army when working with NATO, ABCANZ, and joint working groups at panels, forums, and writing teams. Members also write, manage, and provide recommendations on the ratification and promulgation of NATO and ABCANZ publications. Some members of JMDD assist the Army Staff on Joint and Allied Joint publications. Lastly, JMDD leads project and writing teams for NATO and ABCANZ in the development of concepts, studies, reports, and publications.

Areas of Responsibility:

APP-6, NATO Joint Military Symbology

APP 28, NATO Tactical Planning for Land Forces

ATP 3-16.1, Countering Insider Threats

ATP-3.2.2, NATO Command and Control of Allied Land Forces

ATP-76, NATO Land Forces Convoy Operations

ATP 105, Land Operational Reports

FM 1-02.1- Army Terms

FM 1-02.2- Army Symbology

FM 3-16, Multinational Operations

FM 6-99, Army Reports and Messages

JP 3-06, Joint Urban Operations

JP 3-10, Joint Security Operations in Theater

JP 3-18, Joint Forcible Entry Operations

JP 3-24, Counterinsurgency (COIN)


JMDD enlists the assistance of CADD divisions, TRADOC CoEs, and other organizations regularly to help manage and develop these requirements.