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Army Doctrine Proponent Division

Army Doctrine Proponent Division

The Army Doctrine Proponent Division (ADPD) is the lead for publishing Army doctrine on behalf of CADD. The division manages the Army Doctrine Publication Program and doctrine policy for Army doctrine proponents by managing the staffing, editing, quality control, and publishing of Army doctrine publications (ADPs), field manuals (FMs), and Army techniques publications (ATPs). This division provides administrative, information system, and editorial support to proponents. ADPD’s administrative support includes coordinating external reviews of draft publications, managing program directives, and maintaining annual print forecasts, budget forecasts, and print requests for all Army proponents. It also includes managing CADD products for promoting education and disseminating Army doctrine as well as coordinating production and publishing of Army doctrinal ePUBs and special distribution products (such as ADP Box Sets), and coordinating the annual synchronization forum with all doctrine proponents.

ADPD’s information system support involves coordinating production and publishing of the Comprehensive Doctrine Guide . ADPD provides quality assurance and control of content for the doctrine mobile application. It recommends doctrine policy and guidance to the TRADOC deputy Commanding General and oversees policy and guidance application by doctrine proponents. ADPD writes and disseminates the CAC Doctrine Developers’ Guidance and Doctrine Newsletter.

Military and civilian members of ADPD produce doctrinal materials, teach the process and methods to write doctrine, and perform quality assurance checks.

Areas of responsibility:

  • TRADOC doctrine publication print approval, budget, and forecast requirements
  • Army Doctrine Literature Master Plan (DLMP) in the doctrine module within the Training and Doctrine Development–Quality Assurance Management System (TD2–QA)
  • Liaison functions to the TRADOC Publications Control Officer at the United States Army Training Support Center (ATSC)
  • Liaison functions to Army Publishing Directorate concerning doctrinal content, process, and regulatory issues
  • Doctrine development training for new authors.
  • Editorial support to Mission Command Center of Excellence doctrine authors for new and revised doctrinal publications