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Army Knowledge Managment Qualification Course

Course Description:

The Army Knowledge Management Qualification Course (AKMQC) trains and educates Active, Reserve, and National Guard military personnel, Department of Defense Civilians, U.S. Government Civilians, and Foreign Military personnel on Army Knowledge Management doctrine. During the three-week resident course conducted at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, instruction focuses on facilitating decision making through improved flexibility and adaptability, integration, and synchronization of people, processes, tools, and the organization.

The course format is small-group instruction in a collaborative environment. The facilitators and instructors introduce students to context-based, problem-centered instruction in the form of group practical exercises and individual assignments. Upon graduation, Knowledge Management Professionals are awarded the 1E additional skill identifier (ASI).


Military grades are: O3-O6, W2-W5, and E6-E9. NCOs must have successfully completed the Battle Staff NCO Course. Civilians (GS-9 through GS-15) must be assigned to a KM position and possess a thorough understanding of the Army Operations Process. Students who don’t meet the prerequisites must obtain a waiver from the AKM Proponent Office before they sign up for the course. Students must demonstrate an understanding of KM duties and responsibilities and maintain a grade average of 80% in order to successfully complete the course.


Signup through the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS), Course # 9E/920-SI/ASI-1E (MC), or call (913) 684-7983 for more information.