/* javascript to change headers features to accomodate CDID/FCC needs Michael D Merrill - GDIT - 2/5/2019 */ //find the sibling node to insert before var x = document.getElementsByClassName('col3'); var parent = x[0]; //this is the div where the images reside var sibNode = parent.firstChild; //prepare the node... var elem = document.createElement("img"); elem.setAttribute("id", "fcc-logo"); elem.setAttribute("alt", "FCC"); elem.setAttribute("src", "/sites/default/files/images/cdid/fcc_logo_8.png"); elem.setAttribute("style", "height: 60px; margin-top: 20px; float:left;" ); //insert the node... parent.insertBefore(elem, sibNode); //replace the header graphic... x = document.getElementById("cac-logo"); x.setAttribute("src", "/sites/default/files/images/cdid/fcc_header.png");